Saturday 18 May 2019

#44 Ram Audio S6000 teardown & repair (rebranded as LD Systems SP 6K)

A good buddy and neighbour of mine had one of his amps kick the bucket in the middle of a gig (one i was helping out on, as well). On the bright side, noone noticed, only when turning-off time came. The beast in question was one of his two LD Systems SP 6K amps (rebadged Ram Audio S6000).

Monday 13 May 2019

#43 Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 teardown

As it turns out, i hadn't done (or at least documented) a teardown of this little guy, even though i've been using it for the last two years or so. Even though, as it turns out, i bought this a few months after starting this blog. Either way, i just put it up for sale (due to upgrading to the Scarlett 18i20 i inspected the other week). So i figured i might as well snap a few photos before it goes to its next owner (whomever that may be).

Tuesday 7 May 2019

#42 Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL - revisited and revived!

[Part one can be found right over here]

Through a mix of patience, persistence and good luck, i managed to get my grubby mits on another, fully functional Audiobox 1818VSL, for considerably less than the 1-2 pricey ones available on eBay in Europe.